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قُـلْ هُـوَ لِلّـذِيـنَ آمَـنُـوا هُـدًى وَشِـفَـاء

من الاية 44 سورة فصلت

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Raah-e-Mustaqeem (RMO)

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Today’s children will be men and women, the citizens of tomorrow. The fabric of the society will be made of these individuals. Whatever lessons they learn today, they shall put them into practice tomorrow. If their upbringing today is perfect, the society of tomorrow shall be flawless. And if today’s generation follows a faulty learning it is imperative that tomorrow's society will be evil and perverted.

This website has been developed to provide a service of authentic Islamic education for kids and young children and to lay a foundation in the process towards developing them as good Muslims.

The website also contains material to teach parents about their responsibilities for children up-bringing in light of Islamic moral values to make them true Muslims set on raah-e-mustaqeem. The children will achieve realization about Almighty Allah & its creations as well as experience spiritual awakening from the very early stages of their lives.

The website also embraces many interesting fields including topics relevant to Islam & Science, Islamic Resources, with special focus on developing a knowledge base for a Muslim Child/ Parent perspective.

Quranic Text Analysis Website:

Learn Arabic: YouTube classes:

Learn Quran:


- (you can choose to listen to the recitation in any language concurrently with Arabic, ayah by ayah)

- (a vast array of learning tools along with recitations, tajweed & tafseer)

- (visual and audio)